Winter in Tagish Yukon

In the winter there are fewer tourist places open, but the outstanding scenery doesn't stop. There are too many photos to show it all here, but here's a great one.

From the Tagish River Bridge towards house.


Winter is the best time for viewing Northern Lights


February is time for the 1600 km long Yukon Quest Dog Sled Race


As for activities, there are many depending upon how adventurous  you feel. From the commercial Takhini Hot Springs, natural Liard Hot Springs to the untouched Atlin Warm Springs.


Cross country skiing and even winter camping in a tent! Of course you can still do the multiday roadtrips without tenting, the minivan has a remote starter to keep it warm.



Tenting in the snow:


Or, camping in a warm van on a roadtrip



Caribou rush hour


Liard Hot Springs in winter

  Atlin Warm Springs:



And night time:




















Flag Counter

   Flag counter 

  added Jan 6/14.